Legends of Renown Deeds™
The Hero Quest™ ( LoRD )

Game Mechanics Summary

... and other in-game module supplements for Legends of Renown Deeds™
Copyright © 1972-2021, Stephen Gose. All Rights Reserved.
This is the free shareware edition.

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Character Profile:


This characteristic is a summary of the "power", endurance, constitution, "health", and physical strength of your gaming persona. It is used to determine the total weight a character may carry; the types of weapons employed; and, the quantity of damage sustained from combat before death occurs. It is factored together with the weapons skill to determine the character's combat melee abilities.


This characteristic is a summary of the "agility", dexterity, and grace of a gaming persona. It is used to determine object manipulation; "eye to hand" coordination; and, depth perception. It is factored together with the ballistics skill to determine the character's Missile, parry, and throwing combat ability.


This characteristic is a summary of the mind, reasoning, and the soul's "energy" capacity within a gaming persona. It is used to determine comprehension, magical resistance, "astral presence" [ed.: you'll need to play ArchMages of Renown™ to understand this one.], "godly favor", and mental capacity. It is the single most important characteristic of religious and magical personae. To these mystical and religious adventurers, it is equivalent to the weapons and ballistics skills of the heroic martial characters.


This characteristic is a summary of the charisma, legendary heroic stature, respect, and fame of a gaming persona. It is used to determine the popularity, "godly" favor, public relations, and bending of "Fate"! Characters of particularly high renown (aka respect or fame) are offered better missions, more rewards, more exciting adventures, and higher honors. It is a measure of who is the best Adventurer; it's very similar to gunfighters in the old West. Adventurers of High Renown are sought out by kings and great mages to help perform critical missions. If successful, it is the only way an adventurer may become a noble and receive a grant — or an award — of arms, land, and titles. Renown points can be exchanged to prevent death at a rate of 2 "Renown Points" per hit point below zero. Your adversary will assume you are dead, however, your renown will keep you alive to avenge your assailant.

Further explanations are reserved for registered guests and book patrons.


Coordination + Weapons Skill = Parry ability and Thrown Weapons attacks

Coordination + Ballistics Skill = Missile weapons attack

Stamina + Weapons Skill = Melee attack

Further explanations are reserved for registered guests and book patrons.

Weapons and Ballistic Skill Ranges:

The range of raw weapons or ballistic skills is 0 to 40 points for any character. Further explanations are reserved for registered guests and book patrons.

To Hit or Defend Successfully:

This section is reserved for registered guests and book patrons. It is fully explained in the Rule booklet.

To Increase Skills:

1) Guild Training increases a chosen skill by 1 point. You cannot receive another point from additional training sessions until an actual combat experience is gained from adventuring. Training points cost 100 silver per day until the point is received (i.e. you mastered the lessons). Further explanations are reserved for registered guests and book patrons.

2) Combat increases skills by 1 point per 100 experience gained from a campaign*. Provided that you made one successful attack (or parry) in any single engagement. You're attempting to learn from your encounter. A successful weapons attack (or parry) will allow you to increase your raw weapon's skill, while a successful ballistic's attack will permit you to learn from your ballistic's skill. Further explanations are reserved for registered guests and book patrons.

*A "Campaign" is the collection of encounters and engagements you have had in each "round trip" from your base camp. You gain from the insight of re-telling your adventures to friends and listening to their reflections, observations, and advice.

To Increase Characteristics:

1) Guild Training may also increase a raw characteristic attribute by 1 point. You cannot receive another point from training until you have raised that characteristic by one point from experience gained. Training points cost 100 silver per day until a point is received (i.e. you mastered the regimen). Further explanations are reserved for registered guests and book patrons.

2) Adventuring increases character and renown (aka "respect" or "fame"!). You may gain 1 characteristic point per 100 experience points earned. You receive 1 experience point for successful hits point inflicted on an adversary. If you strike the final "Killing" blow, you also gain experience points equal to that victim's coordination. You exchange even multiples of 100 experience points for an additional point to any one of your characteristics — stamina, coordination, or psyche. If you kill a monster or character who has "Renown Points", you further gain half the value of their renown points added to your own renown. Further explanations are reserved for registered guests and book patrons.

How to purchase Rule Booklet: visit Amazon Exclusive distribution.

Copyright © 1972-2016, Stephen Gose. All Rights Reserved.